In the middle of tightening up process of all academic activities of UPI, this morning the SPs-UPI accepting a delegation of three master students and a lecturer from University of Malaya-Malaysia (UniMalaya). Accepted by the Director and Vice Director of SPs-UPI, Prof Dr Syihabuddin, MPd and Prof Dr Anna Permanasari, MPd; the meeting aimed to deliver the MoA of students and staffs exchange for 2020 until next 5 years.
Located in the 1st floor meeting room of SPs and accompanied by Dr. Tina Hayati Dahlan, M.Pd., Psikolog (Head of Educational Psychology Program), also Arif Hidayat, M.Si., PhD Ed (Head of International Partnership and Education); some points are fruitfully discussed with Dr. Fonny Dameaty Hutagalung of Faculty of Education UniMalaya i.e.: to institutionalize the partnership that has long existed since 2017, and reciprocally possible various activities such as: 8 days-students colloquium, one semester of student credit transfer, visiting professor/scholar, joint conference and possible fr welcoming of UPI scholars become external examiner in UM.
“We committed to bring the MoA is not only on the paper, so we bring 3 master students here for sharing, unfortunately since the covid outbreak we could not make it, but the main intention is delivered, that it bring this MoA and luckily meet with SPs Professors”. Eventually, the meeting ended up with a warm conversation and a modify shake hand in adjust of covid-19 outbreak.(IPE-AH; pics:Yanuar)