Academic Staffs Expertise of Educational Psychology (Master Program)

1 Prof. Dr. A. Juntika Nurikhsan, M.Pd. Professor Educational psychology and Guidance
2 Prof. Dr. Sunaryo Kartadinata, M.Pd. Professor Educational Guidance and psychology, Peace education
3 Dr. Mamat Supriatna, M.Pd. Associate Professor Educational Guidance and psychology
4 Dr. Ilfiandra, M.Pd Professor Peace Education, Teacher Professionalism Development
5 Dr. Tina Hayati Dahlan, M.Pd., Psikolog Assistant Professor Developmental psychology, Psychology and Family education, Mindfulness-Based Intervention, Subjective well being
6 Dr. Nandang Budiman., M.Si. Assistant Professor Multicultural Education
7 Dr. Suherman, M.Pd. assistant Professor Psychology of learning
8 Dr. Iding Tarsidi, M.Pd Assistant Professor Special needs education
9 Vina Adriany, M.Ed., Ph.D Associate Professor Gender in Early childhood Education, Critical theories in Early Childhood, Developmental Psychology
10 Dr. Cepi Riyana, M.Pd. Assistant Professor Curriculum and Technology in Education

Media and learning materials

ICT in Education

Yeni Rachmawati, M.Pd., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Creativity, Parenting, Character Education, Multicultural Education, Ethnopedagogy
12 Hani Yulindrasari, MGendSt., Ph.D. Associate Professor Gender in CSN Education, Critical theories in CSN,
13 Dr. Mubiar Agustin, M.PD Associate Professor Gender in Early childhood Education, Critical theories in Early Childhood, Developmental Psychology, Socio-Politics Studies in Education
14 Dr. Nurhudaya, M.Pd.


Associate Professor Psychometrics